CSI™ – Career Style Inventory™

The CSI–Career Styles Inventory is a comprehensive assessment of personality–like influences on behavior at work. It creates a detailed profile of work-related preferences, making it perfect for building teams, evaluating corporate “fit”, assessing partnerships and more.
All questions focus on work-related preferences and provide straightforward, “need to know” information to help employers and individuals make important career development decisions.
0 min

To complete at most

Comprehensive narrative report outlines presence, severity, and possible behavioral consequences of each measured behavior.


Separate scales

Results are reported as 34 separate scales, grouped into five behavior-based categories: Interpersonal Style, Learning Style, Work Orientation, Decision Making Style, and Stress/Frustration Management, plus scales to gauge attitudes toward the questionnaire itself.

This comprehensive assessment is specifically designed to measure personality-like influences on behavior in the workplace. Not a broad-brush “personality” test, the CSI™ – Career Style Inventory avoids potential legal pitfalls that can result from asking questions which are personal, intrusive or not clearly related to employment situations. All questions focus on work-related preferences and provide straightforward, “need to know” information to help employers and individuals make important career development decisions.

CSI™ – Career Style Inventory FEATURES:

Who should take the CSI™:

Why not try?

If you want to know more about CSI and how it can help you make decision when hiring people or see how you can help a person that struggle in their job CSI can be a great tool for that. Please contact us if you want to know more or buy test, accreditation, or a workshop around the CSI test.

Below you can see a sample report of the CSI-Career Style Inventory.